One In-Person Service at 10AM - Sunday, Aug 22

Redefining Terms

Feb 14, 2021    Jordan and Jessica Rice

Redefining Terms
Jordan and Jessica Rice  
1 John 4:9-11, 1 Corinthians 13:12

This message is  about one of the most misunderstood things in our culture -- love. This message is also for all of us, from the single and *not* trying to mingle to the couple with 40 years under their belts and everyone in between. What is the Biblical picture of love and how can it shape our hearts and offer us hope.

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Note: Renaissance Church has been designated an "essential business" by the Governor's Office of New York to perform "no congregate" worship services, weddings, and funerals so long as we continue to maintain physical distance, like that used in the filming of this service.